Apple iPhone 6 6s Silicone Case - Charcoal Grey

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

30,62 €

The same Apple designers who meticulously craft and refine iPhone also create these cases. The silicone form fits snugly over the volume buttons, Sleep/Wake button, and curves of iPhone 6s or iPhone 6 without adding bulk. The soft microfiber lining on the inside helps protect your iPhone. On the outside, the silky, soft-touch finish of the silicone exterior feels great in your hand.

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* Pflichtfelder


The same Apple designers who meticulously craft and refine iPhone also create these cases. The silicone form fits snugly over the volume buttons, Sleep/Wake button, and curves of iPhone 6s or iPhone 6 without adding bulk. The soft microfiber lining on the inside helps protect your iPhone. On the outside, the silky, soft-touch finish of the silicone exterior feels great in your hand.

Compatible with iPhone 6 6s


Apple iPhone 6 6s Silicone Case - Charcoal Grey.

  • Preis: 30,62 € - Auf Lager
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