Botto The Adjustable Airtight Container

Disponibilità: Disponibile

173,72 HK$

World's first adjustable container perfect for a wide variety of food and other objects. Botto takes the airtight, air-removing pantry container to the next level by shrinking the whole container as you remove the air, preserving your food and saving space in your cupboards at the same time. Air goes out and doesn’t come back in. It keeps food fresher for longer. "Swoosh" sound guaranteed. No electricity needed.

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Descrizione prodotto

World's first adjustable container perfect for a wide variety of food and other objects. Botto takes the airtight, air-removing pantry container to the next level by shrinking the whole container as you remove the air, preserving your food and saving space in your cupboards at the same time. Air goes out and doesn’t come back in. It keeps food fresher for longer. "Swoosh" sound guaranteed. No electricity needed.

- It keeps food fresher for longer.
- You can adjust the capacity between 16 oz. and 32 oz
- The container is recommended for dry goods
- The container is not dishwasher, freezer, or microwave safe.
- It only takes up exactly as much space as it needs to hold its contents.

Ulteriori informazioni

Botto The Adjustable Airtight Container.

  • Prezzo: 173,72 HK$ - Disponibile
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