Iron Throne Game of Thrones Goblet

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

131,83 RM

Iron Throne Game of Thrones Goblet. Might and Magic Gaming and other fantasy sequel fans. Imagine drinking out of them with your buddies, close relatives or any game of thrones fan as you do life together! They are topped with stainless steel liners for safe drinking as well as washing.

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Iron Throne Game of Thrones Goblet. Might and Magic Gaming and other fantasy sequel fans. Imagine drinking out of them with your buddies, close relatives or any game of thrones fan as you do life together! They are topped with stainless steel liners for safe drinking as well as washing.


  • Hand Wash Only for the resin housing body.
  • The stainless steel cup is safe to wash with soap and sanitize.
  • Removable stainless steel insert for hand washing only

Iron Throne Game of Thrones Goblet.

  • Preis: 131,83 RM - Auf Lager
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