Tiger Useless Box, Hezong Don't Touch Box Real Wood

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

SAR 162,82

This completely useless box features a real wood frame and switch that when flicked a little finger pops out and turns itself off.  Experience endless, useless fun with this fully assembled Useless Box. 

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This completely useless box features a real wood frame and switch that when flicked a little finger pops out and turns itself off.  Experience endless, useless fun with this fully assembled Useless Box. 

- Turn the Useless Box on, and it will turn itself off. That’s all it does. Perfect practical jokes gift
- Fully assembled – save yourself the trouble of putting the Useless Box Kit together
- Build this fun kit and amaze everyone with how technology can do incredibly simple things
- Useless Box is made of real wood. Also, it can be a fine ornament on the desk or table


Tiger Useless Box, Hezong Don't Touch Box Real Wood.

  • Preis: SAR 162,82 - Auf Lager
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