Fotorama Loony Bin Kids Action Game

Disponibilité : En stock


Just when you thought you had seen it all, something ‘new’ comes along to prove you wrong. Loony Bin is a trash can that players try to throw papers into. Sounds easy, right? Not if the trash can is moving!

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Description du produit

Just when you thought you had seen it all, something ‘new’ comes along to prove you wrong. Loony Bin is a trash can that players try to throw papers into. Sounds easy, right? Not if the trash can is moving! Loony Bin moves quickly and will stop and make sudden turns while his lid opens and shuts. Up to 4 players can play at the same time, and each player has his own ‘colored’ paper to throw. Two levels of difficulty offer fun for all ages.

- Fast moving trash can
- Lid opens and shuts while making sudden turns
- Each player selects their own color of paper balls to throw into the bin

Informations complémentaires

Fotorama Loony Bin Kids Action Game.

  • Prix : 583,01  - En stock
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